Coaching, counselling and psychotherapy for ADHD

Welcome to Attention Allies, Bristol

Some of the Allies (above), Bristol 2024

Here to help with ADHD and more

Welcome to Attention Allies, a network and community of qualified and experienced therapists based in the greater Bristol area (UK). We offer online, in room, outdoor and blended counselling, psychotherapy and coaching to adults and young people (16+) who are diagnosed with, or identify as having, an ADHD profile. We also offer specialist supervision to psychotherapists, counsellors, coaches and other allied mental health professionals.

While our main focus is to help connect ADHDers to a successful therapeutic and/or coaching space, many of the people we work with also have other neurodivergent (ND) issues such autism (ASD), dyslexia and dyspraxia, and as therapists we are comfortable working with the breadth of ND that people may bring.

In addition to working in room with people, many Attention Allies also work online with ADHDers who live in other towns and cities across the UK such as Exeter, Cambridge, York, Oxford and London. Some of us even work further afield into European countries.

Our network consists of fully qualified therapists who work in accordance with the major UK counselling and psychotherapy professional bodies’ ethical frameworks.

Currently, we are all individual members of one or more of the three biggest professional bodies – BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy), UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy) and NCPS (National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society).

We work within a variety of therapeutic approaches and modalities ranging from humanistic, psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); some of us additionally offer coaching and blended models of work, which is normally a combination of in-room and online sessions but can be a mix of any number of different approaches depending on the individual therapist’s skill set and defined ways of working. You can also gain some insight about many of us by reading our articles about ADHD on our Blog site.

At Attention Allies we pride ourselves on creating dynamic and responsive ways of working. To discover more about us and our work as individual therapists, you can read about each of us on the Therapist Directory page or click through to our individual websites from that page.

While ADHD (ADD) might be the reason you are currently looking for some therapeutic help, ADHDers reach out for counselling, coaching and psychotherapy for a variety of life-experienced difficulties such as:

  • depression and anxiety
  • attachment and sensitivity issues
  • feeling different from other people or feeling out of place in social situations
  • relationship issues, difficulties and problems
  • self-esteem issues
  • life management and organisational skills
  • issues around coming to terms with an ADHD / ADD diagnosis
  • associated ND differences like dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism (ASD)
  • addiction issues of various types
  • procrastination
  • frustration
  • lack of self-motivation.

ADHD: the positives of therapy

Attention Allies can help you to discover a lot of positives about being an ADHDer. If you have so far only thought about and experienced ADHD as deficit and disorder, as enshrined in the medical model, it might be refreshing and relieving to begin to see ADHD as a neurological difference. Using a difference perspective model can allow you to see and focus on things such as the creativity aspects and enthusiasm that come with having an ADHD neurotype. It can also lead you to understand that you have enormous powers for concentration (hyperfocus) and once you learn to create your tools of self-understanding, hyperfocus can be managed and used in a progressive manner. Working with a therapist from Attention Allies here in Bristol or online can help you:

  • engage with your interests in a fulfilling manner
  • reconfigure negative ways of engaging
  • create simple tools for life
  • develop stronger relationships in your life
  • begin with your strengths and what you can do
  • use your strengths to learn how to upskill the harder things in life
  • find the best balance for you and those you live with
  • learn how to refrain from ADHD burnout and ADHD overwhelm
  • focus on development and engagement.

Get in touch

You are welcome to contact any of the Attention Allies directly through their entry in the

Therapist Directory page on this site. You can also make direct contact with our founder Duncan via the form below or through his own website

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© Images by @archeted