ADHD therapy: systems, structure and creativity 
Get ready to find some direction. Counsellor and creative therapist Rich Hayden suggests that ADHDers can be naturally drawn to work more comfortably in therapy with some flexible systems, structure and the use of all forms of creativity. Engaging our “right brain” in this way might eventually help us to find peace and harmony in […]
“Am I normal?”
Psychotherapist, counsellor and ADHD coach Duncan E. Stafford hopes you “don’t feel normal”. Why is this and how can it help ADHDers to create useful tools for self-development? (5 minute read) The subject of “normal” in connection with adult ADHD is one that comes up regularly in my consulting room. Any quick search online for […]
A poem about the moment, in adult life, when someone discovers they have ADHD. Witty and powerful, poet Jackie Fernandez captures in a little over 200 words the shock and discombobulation she experienced when she discovered she was no longer neurotypical. (Please be aware, this poem contains expletives.)   I was at my therapy session. […]

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