
Although Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is yet to be formally recognised as a diagnosis by the medical professions, many people who have ADHD – or know an ADHDer – will have some awareness of the difficulties RSD can bring to a person’s life and relationships. In her gut-punching verse, poet Jackie Fernandez lets us take a full-force glimpse at the inner world and emotional volcano of rejection, low self-esteem and shame of a person full in the flow of RSD.

(Please be aware, this poem contains expletives.)






A by-product of ADHD

That’s me!


It sneaks up on you when you least expect it



Any     fucking      how










It’s like a tidal wave

Smashing into my body and soul

Knocking me off my feet

Punching me beyond defeat


My RSD becomes my inner voice

When I’ve forgotten deadlines

Forgotten appointments

Or I haven’t tried my best

Putting me to the test.

When my body can’t keep up

It will pour shit on me

From the shittiest cup


And then it starts saying

You’re rubbish at …

Running – you will never run fast

You’re too fat

You’re shit at that!

You’re shit at football

You run out of puff

You stupid fucking Chuff!

You can’t kick a ball

You let in goals

People are just putting up with you

You don’t deserve any of these roles!


You’re slack with your work

You got pulled up on a report

For not spell-checking

Or checking the grammar

You always come up short!

Shame on you!

You     fat      fucking    scammer!


You’re a crap parent

The kids know that

They put up with you

Until they can leave

Shut the door behind them

And feel so relieved.


You deserve nothing!

You’re crap at everything!

You’re old grey and fat

Nobody will ever love that!


Pause …


And then the wave recedes

The black clouds move away


I open my eyes

And see the bruises

That RSD left …

I felt every punch

The fists pummelling me

Beyond recognition

But now, I am free


It’s gone for now

To return once more

My spiteful friend RSD

Will knock me to the floor

And pound me once again

To my very core.


Jackie Fernandez

Visit Jackie's poetry site




Published 7 October 2024

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