ADHD and anger: The bodyguard emotion
Intriguingly, anger is noticeably missing from the formal diagnostic criteria for ADHD. While there is research to support the idea of emotional dysregulation being part of the story, there are perhaps other ways to look at your anger and ADHD. Here, transactional analysis-trained therapist Hayley Watkins takes us through some interesting thoughts on how to […]
Can autonomy, competence and relatedness be the ADHDers’ defence against RSD?
At Attention Allies we know that RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria) is an overwhelming challenge for many ADHDers. However, our founder Duncan E. Stafford suggests that by focusing on autonomy, competence and relatedness (the three basic psychological needs outlined in self-determination theory (SDT)) we can begin to build resilience against the intense emotional pain of RSD. […]
ADHD and addiction: How alcohol masked my ADHD
Relational counsellor Becky Gant brings a personal voice to the discovery that lurking under a presenting story of addiction there might well be an ADHD diagnosis. (5 minute read) About a year before I stopped drinking, a friend of mine suggested I look into ADHD. I’d been sharing honestly about my struggles to keep on […]
Your ADHD doesn’t need fixing 
Relational and integrative counsellor Cat Chappell argues that it’s not ADHDers that need fixing but a variety of aspects of society and its provisions that should alter to enable those with ADHD to thrive.  (5 minute read) As more information and understanding of what ADHD is, and what it means to have it becomes available, […]
Although Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is yet to be formally recognised as a diagnosis by the medical professions, many people who have ADHD – or know an ADHDer – will have some awareness of the difficulties RSD can bring to a person’s life and relationships. In her gut-punching verse, poet Jackie Fernandez lets us take […]
From the Space Race to Ritalin
Our founder, psychotherapist, counsellor and ADHD coach Duncan E. Stafford brings you the first of our ADHD express reads series in which he highlights the fascinating connection that can be drawn between the Sputnik panic of 1957 and Methylphenidate. (2 minute read) From the early to mid-20th century, educators, doctors and politicians were, according to […]

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